This blog entry was definitely inspired by conversations I've had with female friends of mine. Friends of mine who are in good places/positions in life. You know, good job, own place, own car, attractive. They seemingly have their lives together. Good positions indeed. However they seem to be lacking in one (or some) of the most important positions out there...the SEXUAL ONES! Yes there seem to be "put-together" WOMEN out there who are struggling in the sex department! Now I'm sure there are those of you who think I'm going down the path of "men are intimidated by these women", "their standards are too high", etc. Well I'm not. O yea, this isn't the same old run-of-the-mill discussion!
So I find it important to point out that the aforementioned women range in age from 25-30. They seem to have reached that point in their lives, when given all they've accomplished, they want more from the dating/sex/relationship scene than just the dating/sex. They want to know that the prospect of a serious relationship is there. It is because of that mindset, that they are not as apt to have sex with suitors as they once were. Casual sex doesn't seem to have the same luster.
Now I find such thinking as commendable as the next guy, but something still bothered me about that. I would always think to myself "how could sex just not be as appealing at 25-30 as it was before then?" That just didn't match to me. So when women would speak about this phenomenon with me, I would often ask, what happened? What caused the switch to go off? After further research, I've come to this realization. It's not that women find sex any less intriguing or satisfactory as they stepped into the "quarter life" (WHEW! *wipes sweat off brow*). It's that they think they shouldn't be having sex unless it's with the potential "Mr. Right". Apparently, they think it may side-track them in finding Mr. Right. They worry about their "number" getting too high. These were actually some concerns of these women. Well ladies I'm here to tell you to get that thinking all the way out of here!
So you think having sex will distract you from finding Mr. Right? Hell, sex might actually help you realize he is that dude! Everybody knows that sex can change things between two people. Just as easily as it can make things awkward, it can make a situation that much better. Sex can make people start to feel more comfortable w/ each other. It can help people open up, and find out if there is something real there (and shit, if it's banging sex...well I leave that to the perv nation to finish pondering)! You also need to think of the flip side. What if things are going right with a guy, then you find out that the sex is straight basura! (spanish for garbage). Can you get passed that? Sex (good or bad) can be a major issue in the long run. You've heard that cliche about "test driving" a car before you "buy it".
I had a woman tell me she had sexual tension with a guy friend, but she doesn't want to act on it because she feels he may not be "the one". WHAT? Are you kidding me? So you are sexually attracted, but he may not be "the one"? Again I say, sex may help you see different! But even if he isn't, SO THE FUCK WHAT! Your sexually attracted, and not getting any! FUCK IT! Who said you're just gonna land on your dream guy because you held out? Did you land your dream job your first time looking? Or did you land your dream job simply because you held out? Or did you have to work a job (or jobs) you knew wasn't your long-run move until your dream job came along? Why work that job you didn't all the way like? Because you have needs (financial, etc) that need to be filled. The same applies to sex! YOU HAVE NEEDS THAT NEED TO BE FILLED (and "self service" gets you but so far)! So again I say FUCK IT!
Oh not convinced about that yet? Was your first car your dream car? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no! Your 2nd or 3rd car might not have been dreamy, but you bought what worked for you given where you were in your life at that time. Nobody says, "I can't wait 'til I can afford a PT Cruiser" (no disrespect). They may get that, or a similar vehicle because it'll get the job done until they can afford that Mustang GT or 600 Benz. Now why can't this same rule apply to sex? So again I say FUCK IT!
So you say you're worried about your "number" being too high in his eyes? Why does he even have to know? The number of people you've had sex with is truly YOUR business and NOBODY else's. Your not obligated to share that info. The only number you need to worry about is what you're comfortable with. Whether that's 3 or 33, that's your business! I say just try to be responsible about it (there's your PSA for the week). Now am I telling you to go out and hump everything moving? Not at all! That's your call. Running around isn't for everybody, so it may not necessarily be for you. But I'm not judging if you attempt to find out. So again I say FUCK IT!
For those of you who may be thinking "what the hell does he know?" I'm here to tell you this is a system that's been tested and approved by men around the world. You think we worry about all that? Nope! That's why many of us can be cool and mellow; because we "Ridin' Round and Gettin' It". We're not worried about is she Ms. Right, or our "number", etc. It works for us.
So ladies, please stop being down on yourselves because your not getting any; because quite frankly, it's your choice. So next time your with that guy your attracted to, it's "been a while", and your not sure what to do; think of me and say FUCK IT!
but hey, what do I know?